Explaning the MSP430G2553

In this post, we will dissect the MSP430G2 package.

What MSP430 has in package?

The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications.

Typical applications include low cost sensor systems that capture analog signals, covert them to digital values and then process data for display or for transmission to a host system.

MSP430 Architecture

Von-Neumann vs Harvard

These two are the basic types of architecture in the microcontroller. but most often Harvard based architecture is mostly prefered.

Below are schemes about fetching data and instructions.

From the features, it shows that the time for execution of Von-Neumann is high. But the advantage is its simplicity and the cost of hardware is cheaper.


MSP430 Memory Organization

MSP430 Memory Orgranization

MSP430 Memory Map

MSP430 Memory Map

LaunchPad Development Board

LaunchPad Development Board
