Function Calling Convention

If you understand stack very well then you will understand how memory works in program and if you understand how memory works in program you will understand how function store...

Linker Scripts for MSP430G2553

This post will expain some words used in linker scripts of msp430g2553. The following is an illustration of linking operation: First of all, we will dissect the first line in...

Hardware interrupt handler in MSP430G2553

When using MSP430’s free and open-source GCC toolchain, we can define interrupt handlers with __attribute__(interrupt(INTERRUPT_NAME_MACRO)). For example: __attribute__ ( ( interrupt( TIMER1_A0_VECTOR ) ) ) void TIMER1_A0_ISR( void ) {...

Compilation process of a msp430g2553 project

The compiler is responsible for allocating memory for definitions (static and automatic) and generating opcodes from program statements. A relocatable object file (.o) is produced. The assembler also produces .o...

Explaning the MSP430G2553

In this post, we will dissect the MSP430G2 package. What MSP430 has in package? The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of...